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Megha Jacob: A Medical Student's Journey at Wilson Medical Center

Our Stories | 07/17/24

This summer, Wilson Medical Center hosted Megha Jacob, a third-year Kansas University medical student for a six-week clerkship in rural...

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Wilson Medical Center Acquires Life-saving Equipment for Wilson County’s Student-Athletes

Our Stories | 11/20/23

Wilson Medical Rehabilitation Center has recently made an exciting announcement regarding the availability of life-saving equipment for student-athletes in Wilson...

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Save Time, Heal Wounds

Our Stories | 08/19/23

Sometimes, fresh air is the best medicine! We all need oxygen to live, but did you know that it can...

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Brain Training Apps: Do They Really Work?

Our Stories | 07/19/23

I was asked a few weeks ago if all of the new so called “brain boosting” apps were worth paying...

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